Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Small Steps

I've been printing off a photo from the drawing and sketching weekly challenge, but this is the first week i've actually tried to work on one. This is an unidentified leaf in charcoal on 9x12. I used charcoal pencils in addition to the willow, and they did not blend well. This represents almost two hours work and i feel like its still rather crude. But i worked on a drawing today.

That's after i painted this small 6x8 in oils yesterday. I used a bigger brush than i normally do and painted alla prima (in one session) in an attempt to loosen up my painting. My instructor recommended this exercise. I'll have to see if i can do more of these. They might not be good but they are rather fun.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Finally, Something New

After ages without creating other than in painting class, i did a pastel sketch. I'm hoping that it will end up a painting. Anyway, here it is.

The background looks a bit childish and the buds look bad, but i did something. My pastels always seem to look childish. Maybe if i would do more i would figure out how to make them a bit more polished.

Now if i can just keep this up and get some more practice in.